
This Guide is written for professionals (trainers, coaches, educators, and human resource practitioners) working in any field where people’s creativity and innovation are called for.

1️⃣ To provide a helpful way to understand and strengthen imagination
2️⃣ To address society’s widespread impoverishment of imagination.
3️⃣ To introduce vanguard initiatives harnessing the imagination at scale

The Guide centers around the introduction of a simple taxonomy and a set of five practices designed to strengthen one’s distinct powers of imagination. Each level represents a “power” of imagination. From the base, which is largely unconscious to the apex, which requires most effort. The benefits become self-evident with intention and practice. When we imagine together, the transformative power is immense.

  • Without direction, the imagination is left to wander. Without mindfulness, the imagination is never brought to engage with what is needed in the world around us.

  • Imagination creates wellbeing by giving new forms to our thoughts and beliefs, which in turn influence our experiences in the external world.

    As within, so without.

  • Imagination increases engagement with the world by sparking creativity, fostering curiosity, and expanding possibilities, allowing us to see and experience the world in new and exciting ways.

  • Through the practices supporting the taxonomy, you begin to explore your full potential, discover your passions and purpose, and create a vision for what is possible with your life.

  • Improving your imagination can connect you with a higher purpose by inspiring you to envision a more meaningful and fulfilling life, one that is aligned with your values, passions, and goals.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
- Leonard Cohen